Worksite Wellness


Healthier day-to-day lifestyle

With so many hours spent at work and so many demands on our time outside of work, it’s no wonder worksite wellness is gaining popularity. Onsite programs are convenient for employees. Carewise Health’s Worksite Wellness program unifies all your initiatives to promote good health as a way of life. Employers make significant investments in health programs for their employees, but it’s a challenge to achieve and sustain interest and participation. Our one-on-one coaching by telephone can complement these services.

Members sign up for six- or eight-week sessions supported by onsite coaching and curriculum activities. Sessions include:

  • Nutrition
  • Stress management
  • Smoking cessation
  • Weight management
  • Walking for exercise

Better Culture

Worksite Wellness builds a workplace culture of good health. Never underestimate the power of coworker support. Worksite Wellness is a powerful way to demonstrate your commitment and drive excitement and engagement in all health programs. Because some employees enjoy interacting with a group of like-minded individuals, group support is a key element of the program When an individual has a personal interaction and expresses an interest in better health, he or she is much more likely to participate in other health-related programs.